2nd Saturday Sampler
 Sign up now! Our 2nd Saturday Sampler starts this Saturday! Check out the details and sign up HERE!
WOOL SIP & SEW Our 2nd Sip & Sew was a success! These ladies are addicted! Next date is Sunday evening, February 16th at 5 PM. Bring a project to work on or start a new one. Kits for the Buttermilk Basin Welcome Home "plates" will be available.
And Ruth wants to have a "Swap Night". If you have extra wool to swap you might want to participate. I will have details in a few days and share them with you.
The Stash Bandit is coming!
 Don't you just love this scrappy dresden beauty?
Meet Diane Harris, AKA The Stash Bandit!

Diane is our featured speaker for Quilt Walk 2020, April 25th! Dianne has been speaking to quilt guilds and groups for more than 30 years. Fondly known as the Stash Bandit, she loves teaching and her enthusiastic love of scrappy projects is entertaining to all. She was an editor for Quiltmaker magazine for 11 years and has lots of info and experience to share!
Diane will be doing a trunk show that day-Make Extraordinary Scrap Quilts! And she will repeat it! 3x Total! And remember no cost to the Quilt Walk! Just a great event!
But Diane will do a workshop on Dresdens on Friday, 4/24! Join us for "Let's Play Drezzup!"
It's an all day workshop (9-4)! Diane will share her techniques and we will learn all about dresdens, the one with pointed blades. For more info about this workshop, check out the class page on our website here. Cost will be $65 for the workshop which include template and catered lunch.
Sew Long, Mary & Cheryl