Fall Sewing that Is! This cool weather makes me think of falling leaves, shades of autumn, and Halloween, of course. We've got new Halloween fabrics in with candy corn and more.

Then we have a new line from Michael Miller that is really fun. And there are so many other fabrics in the store that coordinate with these to choose from you can really make a lovely quilt.
It's National Sewing Month! If you aren't following us on Facebook now is the time to start. We are doing daily posts this month to celebrate. You might have missed a free pattern but there is still plenty of time to connect with us!
Kids Sew Mary is teaching another Kids Sew class on Monday, September 25th. Clinton schools are closed and there may be more as well. The girls (and boys) are going to make sleep pants or shorts. Just in time for cool weather or even Pajama Day at school. [Do they still do that?] Check out the website for more info.
Quilters Weekend Coming soon so reserve your space now. We will have a great time! September 22-24. If you don't think you can do the whole weekend then come by or call for day pass prices.
Sew Long for Now, Mary and Cheryl
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